Edge Departs
The “Hutton Car” was a 4-cylinder Competition constructed made at the Napier works with the Napier name erased on components to avoid a conflict with SF Edge’s vehicles. It competed and won the Isle of Man TT race in 1908 however only a few were made of which the winning car survives today.
After Edge’s decision to withdraw from competition in 1908 sales of Napier cars lost impetus. In 1912 Edge and Napier had a major disagreement resulting in Edge giving up his sole sales rights which where taken over by D Napier & Son themselves with the new owner remaining at the existing Edge premises in New Burlington Street London.
The factory continued producing the same car series whose engines were all incresed by 5 HP to 35, 45 and 65 HP and with the 90 HP still available for the ultimate motorist. The numbers of 6-cylinder cars produced were considerably surpassed by 15 HP 4-cylinder cars which soon increased to 16-20 HP versions. Other manufacturers had entered the market producing a good standard of car and sales became more difficult and lacking the enterprise of Edge, sales faltered.
Napiers turned to the Colonies and sold many cars to Australia in particular as well as Canada to a lesser degree. The models were designated as “Colonial Models” with higher ground clearance and stronger springing and axles. Many Napiers have been discovered and restored in Australia where the dry climate helps to preserve cars.